Next Tour of CohoEcovillage: Sunday Feb 16th
Meet at the Common House at 2:00pm on Sunday, Feb 16, 2024. Please RSVP to cohocontact@cohoecovillage.org so we know to expect you. BTW, we are not expecting snow that day.
Meet at the Common House at 2:00pm on Sunday, Feb 16, 2024. Please RSVP to cohocontact@cohoecovillage.org so we know to expect you. BTW, we are not expecting snow that day.
Next public tour of Coho Ecovillage is coming right up! Sunday November 17th at 10:30am. Bring your friends and your questions about community life. Public tours are rich in information about subjects you might not think to ask about. Please RSVP to cohocontact@cohoecovillage.org, so we know to expect you. This will be the last public […]
Join us for a late-summer tour of our community. You will get to see cohoots in action at a workparty! Tour the path, the common house, the gardens, the wooded nature path, the workshop and bike barn. Learn about how we do community: meetings, NVC, sustainability, shared meals, and assorted topics. Bring your questions and […]
The bike barn has gotten a make-over. The original corner work area had become disheveled. It was more of a place to put stuff. Definitely not inviting to work on bikes. Here at CoHo, we’ve got a few bicycling enthusiasts (one a former frame builder, another a bike mechanic) and lots of people who ride […]
CoHoots (adults and kids) received workshop safety training.