CoHo at Corvallis Women’s March 2018

Yes! We were there, but not altogether. Who knew it would be impossible for us to find each other in this small town? With between 3,000 and 4,000 marchers, most of the folks I knew who were at the march were impossible to find. I wandered around looking, but came up with no cohoots other […]

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New July 4th Tradition?

Corvallis has a tradition of a July 4th “anyone can participate” parade. CoHo has participated as a group in years past. Last year when a group of young cohoots missed the parade start time and felt disappointed, they organized their own parade down the path at coho. Everyone had so much fun, they decided to […]

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CoHo Orbits the Science March in Corvallis

On Science March Saturday, we rocked a work party, ate pizza at the common house, and followed up with a trip to the Corvallis Science March.  Corvallis has a population of roughly 55,000, and somewhere between 4-5,000 folks showed up for the Science March.  This made it difficult to locate the many non-CoHo friends we expected to see at […]

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CoHo Reaches Consensus on Color Design!

CoHo has been relieved! We reached “consensus” with the color combination and paint design of our buildings!Some community residents formed groups to take the color palette we were satisfied with and come up with designs that would meet our needs. These groups of dedicated people (including some kids!) spent many hours laying out different options […]

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CoHo Reaches Color Consensus!

It’s been over a year now since the idea of picking colors for buildings was introduced. The buildings at CoHo will soon be due for fresh exterior paint, because it’s our proactive approach to sustaining long-lasting structures. Even our buildings need some love!So here at CoHo we like to use consensus for making decisions. An […]

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Team Wrecking Crew Formed

The Wrecking Crew team was formed with the intent of getting sh*t done (GSD). No meetings. No budget. Just some CoHoots who want to help each other with small projects like pulling weeds (or poison oak), hauling leaves/mulch/bark, moving stuff around, doing quick fixes (within our ability), and anything you could think of that goes […]

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Then and Now #28 – October 2006 and October 2014

INTRODUCTION TO THE “THEN AND NOW” SERIES Visitors touring CoHo sometimes ask how our expectations for community prior to move-in differ from our current day-to-day reality. Comparing “then and now” is the framework for this series of blog postings.  The source of historical perspective is the CoHo newsletters published in 2006 and 2007 (they are […]

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