Cherry-Picking Cherries

It’s that time of year again, where fruit begins to ripen around CoHo and is ready for picking. There are some cherry trees that have produced pretty well over the last couple of years, but sometimes we’ve been too late to get them before the birds! As the trees grow taller, we need brave people […]

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Even Snails on the Path Do It!

On first glance, this cluster of snails on the path appeared to be having a meeting, convention, or a very quiet party.  However, on closer look, they were connected in pairs, making it more of a snail orgy.  My duty as a gardener probably should have been to destroy the enemy of plants, but some […]

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Green Mobile

Here at CoHo we have several sustainability features. One is a Nissan Leaf, co-owned by several residents. And this 100% electric vehicle is charged from solar energy! Oregon is a great state to have an electric vehicle because we have the highest number of DC fast charging stations in the nation! Check out the Drive […]

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Garden Shed Update – It’s Enclosed!

It’s been over 6 months since the garden shed was framed up, so what does it look like now? It’s got walls, a deck, windows and door framed (with door inside), and most of the roof done.  Working on this over winter wasn’t terribly exciting, but now that gardening season is upon us there will […]

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