A Day in the Life of the Common House

The common house at CoHo gets a lot of traffic! Saturday May 12 started with our usual breakfast crew in the kitchen and dining room, followed by a game day in the living room, while a Nonviolent Communication class happened in the kids room, and a sourdough baking class took place in the kitchen/dining room.

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Cherry-Picking Cherries

It’s that time of year again, where fruit begins to ripen around CoHo and is ready for picking. There are some cherry trees that have produced pretty well over the last couple of years, but sometimes we’ve been too late to get them before the birds! As the trees grow taller, we need brave people […]

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Hyperlocal Eating

We do our best to support local businesses and locally grown food. The First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op and Corvallis Sustainability Coalition introduced the concept of “Local 6” products to our community in 2009, those that are “grown, made or processed by a business owned and operated within the six counties touching and including Benton county.” Here […]

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Then and Now #27 – October 2006 and October 2014

INTRODUCTION TO THE “THEN AND NOW” SERIES Visitors touring CoHo sometimes ask how our expectations for community prior to move-in differ from our current day-to-day reality. Comparing “then and now” is the framework for this series of blog postings.  The source of historical perspective is the CoHo newsletters published in 2006 and 2007 (they are […]

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Then and Now #26 – September 2006 and September 2014

INTRODUCTION TO THE “THEN AND NOW” SERIES Visitors touring CoHo sometimes ask how our expectations for community prior to move-in differ from our current day-to-day reality. Comparing “then and now” is the framework for this series of blog postings.  The source of historical perspective is the CoHo newsletters published in 2006 and 2007 (they are […]

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