Then and Now #28 – October 2006 and October 2014

INTRODUCTION TO THE “THEN AND NOW” SERIES Visitors touring CoHo sometimes ask how our expectations for community prior to move-in differ from our current day-to-day reality. Comparing “then and now” is the framework for this series of blog postings.  The source of historical perspective is the CoHo newsletters published in 2006 and 2007 (they are […]

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More Ooching at CoHo

In the past several months, more areas around CoHo have been the target of ooching (a blend of scooting and inching that is basically a temporary trial of an option to get feedback prior to making a decision). The patio outside the common house is a large paved area that could be transformed into an […]

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Then and Now #26 – September 2006 and September 2014

INTRODUCTION TO THE “THEN AND NOW” SERIES Visitors touring CoHo sometimes ask how our expectations for community prior to move-in differ from our current day-to-day reality. Comparing “then and now” is the framework for this series of blog postings.  The source of historical perspective is the CoHo newsletters published in 2006 and 2007 (they are […]

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Ooching the Arch

Since the first “ooch” in January, CoHoots have used this strategy in several venues. “Ooch” is a blend of “inch” and “scoot” and is a temporary trial to gain experience and solicit input on a possible change. A temporary path featured an arch in one location.  With this ooch, an arch-like structure (which is itself an […]

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