Crime Spree at Whispering Winds CoHo Retreat!

The 2016 CoHo retreat was held at Camp Whispering Winds on the weekend of September 17th. There is always fun and games at the retreat (like a version of “cops & robbers”), and this year our fair city was rocked by a wave of robberies on Saturday.   Hard working LEOs turned out in force, attempting to […]

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Swainson’s Thrush

I (Leela) have been meditating in a secluded part of our property under a canopy of trees since it got warm and stopped raining. My eyes are nourished by the many shades of green, my ears by the dawn chorus of bird sounds and distant traffic, and my skin and lungs appreciate the crisp freshness […]

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CoHo Kabuki?

Perhaps in reaction to the blasé grey buildings (but more likely, ‘school’s out – what kind of mischief can we make!?!’), a couple of creative Cohoots decorated themselves with chalk and food coloring. Fantastic results! If you need make up consultants for your next costume party – look no further.And the expressions!!!  Have they been […]

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4th of July Parade CoHo Style

The kids had planned to go to the Corvallis 4th of July parade, which is an anybody can participate event.  Just show up and be in the parade.  (One year, the CoHo musicians practiced Sousa marches for a few months ahead of time and we marched together.  It was the only band in the parade.  […]

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Wren vs. Chickdee: Who’s Mo’ Badass?

A wren and a pair of chickadees have been engaged in loud, continuous squabbles over a nesting hole in the fence behind building two. Wren makes the most noise, so you could say the wren is in the catbird seat. The chickadee does the most bullying, chasing the wren around the area. The early morning […]

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