Then and Now #19 – June 2006 and June 2014
CoHo Ecovillage facilitators start and end meetings on time.
CoHo Ecovillage facilitators start and end meetings on time.
Bikes are a frequently used resource at CoHo Ecovillage.
CoHo Ecovillage is a cat-friendly community.
CoHo Ecovillage updated their Participation Policy.
CoHo Ecovillage residents garden next door at Sunrise Corner Community Garden in south town Corvallis.
Residents of CoHo Ecovillage held a spring retreat to review their decision-making processes.
Springtime means blossoms and walks in the fresh air at CoHo Ecovillage.
There are now 100 CoHoots connected to CoHo Ecovillage in Corvallis, Oregon.
CoHo Ecovillage community members continue to learn and practice non-violent communication.
CoHo Ecovillage gardens expand every year. CoHoots can also buy fresh veggies from Rainshine Family Farm.