Those of us who do tours at CoHo have noted that the flavor of a tour varies a lot, depending upon the needs of the guests, and the interests of the tour guide. For instance, on a tour with me, you might learn about bird life at coho, including great bird viewing areas – if you let me know you’re a bird person. For our open house this year, we had four different guides, with very different areas of expertise. Dennis, who has been with the community the longest of any of the guides (and served as President, treasurer, and just about every administrative job at CoHo) gave great information about founding, building, legal stuff, finances, and his talk enlarged the scope of our usual tours. Andy, who teaches many of our Nonviolent Communication classes, does mediation, and facilitation, holds the heart of the community and shared from that place. Raine, the youngest of our tour guides served as our expert on growing up in community and demonstrated her amazing capacity for leadership by leading the wildlife corridor/native plant part of the tour. And then there was me (Leela), natural sciences geek with strong interest in our sustainability practices.
We had about fourteen visitors for the open house, including two newly forming communities with LOTS of specific questions. One group came from Eugene, other came from Salem. It was fabulous to have so much cohousing and community life experience to share with these new communities. We wish them the best of luck, and any support we can provide. We also gained a new, local friend of Coho and we look forward to seeing more of her, soon!