Colorful Meals at CoHo

CoHo serves vegetarian common meals and Mother Nature does a great job of providing a colorful palette.

This menu featured a tomato herb soup, flax bread, sprouted lentil and carrot salad, raw squash and cabbage salad, plus a new creation–apple slices topped with sprouted hummus and alfalfa sprouts.


For St. Patrick’s Day, it was green, green, green.

The menu…

Tarts included green leeks, green chard, and green stinging nettle; the salad had green sprouts plus more green veggies and green parsley dressing; squash (not green); raw veggies had a green spinach and green avocado dip.


For more delectable photos, check out the photo gallery “2014 Colorful CoHo Meals.”

Posted in Food.