Madeline’s 102nd Birthday Party

CoHo’s oldest (and most charming) resident celebrated her 102nd birthday with cake, ice cream, and Q&A about personal and world events since her birth in 1911.

One neighbor shared a list of 1911 trivia, including a list of famous people born that year.  When someone asked what other famous people were born that year, Madeline quipped “Besides me!”

Madeline confirmed she’d read all of the great works of literature published that year.  Her love of reading started at an early age.  She had a habit of reading all of the time–even while she walked.  She has been an active member of the CoHo book club that started when Madeline moved to the community.

Madeline and Peter

Madeline’s son reads from list of 1911 trivia.


Madeline got some help blowing out her birthday candles.


Part of the overflow crowd that filled the living room and atrium.

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