In April 2010, CoHo launched a regular schedule of work parties. And they have “worked” very well not only to complete lots of chores, but also to build community. A half-day work party is even scheduled for our next Welcome Weekend (July 22-24, 2011) because CoHoots say work parties are a great way to experience community spirit.
Full-day work parties are held four times a year; half-day work parties are held in the remaining months of the year on the same day as our business meetings.
For full-day work parties, a list of chores (with team leaders assigned) is sent to the community ahead of time. Chores that are “kid friendly” are tagged. The necessary tools and supplies are gathered.
In the morning, folks converge on the common house early and get briefed by the team leaders. Work crews head out to tackle outdoor/indoor chores around the community. One work crew stays behind and prepares lunch.
Folks gather again at lunch to share a wide variety of foods (including irresistible leftovers from common meals) and team leaders give updates on all of the projects (greeted by cheers and applause). Folks can switch to a different team for the afternoon or continue with their morning projects.
Half-day work parties are structured in a similar way, except they are…shorter.
Sometimes a photographer tours the projects and snaps a few photos to document the day’s work. Here are CoHoots tackling chores together at our two most recent work parties.

Our handy cleaning system makes it easy to clean tools after each use

More trees were planted in the orchard. The primary planting was done the first year after move-in so we are already enjoying the “fruits” of our labors.

That wood pile needed rearranging!

Ah——–the smell of finished compost!