Next Tour of CohoEcovillage: Sunday November 17

Next public tour of Coho Ecovillage is coming right up! Sunday November 17th at 10:30am. Bring your friends and your questions about community life. Public tours are rich in information about subjects you might not think to ask about. Please RSVP to, so we know to expect you. This will be the last public […]

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Next tour of CohoEcovillage: Oct 20, 2024

Please RSVP to We will meet at the Common House at 10:30am. We would love to know how many folks to expect. You will get to see a work party, our gardens, bike barn, many other details about life here at Coho. Bring your questions about how we run Coho, maintain facilities, etc.

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Next Tour of CohoEcovillage Sunday Sept. 15th

Join us for our next tour at 10:30am on Sunday September 15th. Please RSVP to, so we know to look for you. See cohoots (what we call ourselves) at a workparty. Tour our autumn garden. Get information about governance and participation at Coho.

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Gazebo grand opening!

The party was a chance to say (a temporary) goodbye to Ted and Suzy, who built it. We are celebrating a new outdoor space in the shade. The northeast corner team has been working for years, removing an old shack on the property, felling an old snag that had served its last summer as the […]

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Prepare to be Awwed: Introducing the new Osprey Chicks!

The sounds of the Osprey papa arriving with food, mama calling out to him, and cute, whistling sound of chicks begging for food, punctuate our summer days, here at Coho. These photos were taken by Chris on July 23. The nest is probably higher than last years nest, so we have been unable to see […]

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Next Tour of CohoEcovillage: Sunday August 18

Join us for a late-summer tour of our community. You will get to see cohoots in action at a workparty! Tour the path, the common house, the gardens, the wooded nature path, the workshop and bike barn. Learn about how we do community: meetings, NVC, sustainability, shared meals, and assorted topics. Bring your questions and […]

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Next Tour of CohoEcovillage: Sunday July 14, 10:30am

Please join us Sunday July 14, at 10:30am for a tour of our community. See Cohoots in action during a work party. Take a walk down our lovely garden path. Check out our common house. Ask to see where the osprey family nested this year. They are still viewable from the parking lot. You might […]

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